
Established in 1997 in Calgary, Alberta, by Bill Martin and Wayne Newby, MNC is recognized as an expert in compiling and maintaining (highly accurate) cadastral and parcel mapping datasets and working with large spatial datasets (city/county/state/province-wide) across multiple formats and platforms.  

In 2010, The Silvacom Group began its acquisition of MNC, completing it in 2012.  

MNC has managed the Alberta province’s cadastral, title, and crown land mapping for over 25 years. We have built our reputation on providing our clients with practical and innovative data compilation, quality assurance, and geomatics solutions.  

Our clients span not only Canada and the US; in 2023, we completed the National Digital parcel fabric for Barbados. We have built a solid reputation providing our clients with practical, innovative data compilation, quality assurance, and geomatics solutions. MNC prides itself on providing fit-for-purpose solutions and compiling the best subject matter experts to complete projects in a cost-effective and timely manner.  

We were the fourth firm and the first one outside of the US to receive the Esri Parcel management designation in December 2023, whichrecognized MNC for our expertise in leveraging ArcGIS Parcel Fabric to map land rights, restrictions, and responsibilities.  

If you want to learn more check out the MNC Storymap 

MNC has staff devoted to cadastral, parcel and surface-land mapping projects and applications. The majority of the projects are within Alberta; however, the firm completed a significant parcel mapping project in the province of Manitoba and has also completed numerous parcel mapping projects in the province of British Columbia and in the United States. In 2014, MNC renewed its contract to maintain the Cadastral and Parcel mapping databases throughout the Province of Alberta.

MNC has provided subject matter expertise and training for georeferencing requirements implemented by the Director of Surveys for the Alberta Government and has integrated over 220,000 digital CAD plans of survey into Cadastral, Parcel and Disposition spatial databases for the Province of Alberta.

MNC pride themselves in providing fit-for-purpose solutions and compiling the best subject matter experts to complete projects in a cost effective and timely manner.

Formation of AltaLIS

In late 1997, MNC Ltd. and QC Data Ltd. formed a joint venture company, AltaLIS Ltd. In 2010, QC Data Ltd. sold their shares to The Silvacom Group and North West Geomatics Ltd. Together the experts working under the AltaLIS umbrella are the agents for Spatial Data Warehouse Ltd., managing the five primary mapping data sets for the Province of Alberta:

  1. Cadastral Mapping
  2. Title Mapping
  3. Disposition Mapping
  4. Topographic Mapping
  5. Small Scale Mapping (e.g. 1:1,000,000 scale).

AltaLIS also manages the Provincial GeoAdministration boundaries and the ATS (Alberta Township System).

Through AltaLIS, MNC provides the Province of Alberta and industry with affordable spatial data maintenance; including regular updates, process re-engineering, data storage, data distribution, value-added re-distribution and general management duties. The MNC map maintenance processes include the electronic submission of survey data. MNC has improved map accuracy to sub-millimeter in urban areas, with no capital outlay and covering a quarter million square miles (650,000 km2). Our experts make Alberta’s base mapping infrastructure readily available and accessible to the people who need and depend on precise information. We provide comprehensive GIS ready data to organizations such as:

  • Provincial Government
  • Municipal Government
  • Utility Companies
  • Oil & Gas Companies
  • Surveyors