2019: TPR Parcel Workshop and Discovery Report​

The Challenge

The Property Registry (TPR) was looking to enhance their current survey plan and title, examination and approval services. They would like to take advantage of proven technologies and processes to be more efficient and offer better customer service

The Solution

In April 2019, an information gathering workshop was held to review and discuss existing solutions and internal business requirements with subject matter experts from MNC. In May 2019, the results of this workshop were summarized by MNC and presented in a Discovery Report with an outline of potential process improvements, obstacles, and a recommended approach forward.

The Results

The report identified that a Parcel Management Program for TPR could provide numerous improvements to support:

  • Reduced approval and registration times,
  • Improved speed and efficiency of land-related research, planning and business decisions,
  • More accurate record keeping, and
  • A reliable single spatial view of a comprehensive representation of land parcels in Manitoba.

The Document

Please click here to download the case study document.