Edmonton Cadastral and Title Mapping Datasets Now Fill a Void in Alberta Province-Wide Mapping Program

MNC is pleased to announce the completion of a data integration project for Alberta Data Partnerships (ADP) adding over 400,000 parcels to the Province of Alberta inventory. ✔ Edmonton data is spatially aligned with surroundings parcels ✔ Edmonton data adheres to a common specification ✔ Edmonton data currency matches ADP-managed datasets ✔ Another successful project […]


MNC – 20 Years in Business Today!

Today, February 12, 2018, MNC is celebrating our 20th anniversary! This milestone provides an opportunity to look back at our accomplishments and celebrate these achievements with our dedicated team and stakeholders. We are proud to say we are responsible for pioneering the modernization of cadastral and parcel mapping processes in Western Canada and have compiled, […]